Cemetery Information
What you need to know
Every cemetery has its own rules and regulations regarding burials, cremations, headstones and cemetery operations.
We can provide the latest information about all of the cemeteries in the region. We can also contact cemeteries outside the region to get the information for you.

Things to consider when choosing a cemetery:
Does the cemetery allow the type of memorial you want?
Most cemeteries have rules regarding memorials, and some are specific about what they allow.
Does the cemetery have height and length restrictions?
Most cemeteries restrict the height and length of a memorial to ensure it doesn’t infringe on an adjoining lot and to provide a unified look throughout the grounds.
How many graves must you purchase for the cemetery to allow an upright memorial?
Some cemeteries allow an upright memorial on a single grave. Other require you to purchase two or more graves.
Does the cemetery allow additional internments of cremated remains on top of burials?
Some do, some don’t. Those that do may set a limit on the number of cremated remains that can be placed on top of burials.
Does the cemetery install the marker or is it left up to Ericson/Erie City Memorials?
Some cemeteries have a rule only they can install flush/flat grass markers. Most cemeteries will have the monument builder install the marker in the proper location after the foundation is poured.
Does the cemetery allow more than one name on a single memorial?
Yes, we have produced single memorials with multiple names.